Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am posting this blog link to be entered in a contest to win some free family photos. I play bunko with her sister in law and have heard she does a wonderful job, so free photos with a great photographer, can't beat it right! Here is her blog link.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a Boy

I went to the Dr last Thursday and we are having another little boy! I am so excited, I think Kavin needs a brother to be rough and tough with. I always just wanted 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and since i am having 2 boys, I may have to try for a third someday trying to get that little girl, knowing my luck i will just have 3 little boys ha ha.

Kavin playing in his snow clothes

Kavin w/Santa

Tad & Kavin Building a Snowman
At the SLC lights

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well I can't even believe Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is only a little over a week away. We just got back from spending four days up at Wolf Creek in a condo. It was so nice to get away even just up the canyon, it gave us some time to relax before all the holiday parties hit. I think i took a 2 hour nap every day!! It was so nice. For Thanksgiving I had the Panter family here the weekend before. That was mine and Tad's first time hosting a dinner, and I cannot believe how much work it is. Thank goodness for Tad, he totally got into the turkey making and helped me out a ton. Then on Thanksgiving day we went to the Schiffmans and the Schoolers. Those days are always so long when your toting a little boy around who just wants to play. Now I think we have a Christmas party almost every night till Christmas, with Tad's Dad's B-day and having so much family and friends to see it is going to be a crazy few weeks. I am excited for Christmas day because we are just staying home. I am telling everyone if you want to see us on Christmas we will be home and you can totally come over!

On a side note what in the heck do you do with kids in the Winter....It is so cold outside and all Kavin wants to do is go outside and he REFUSES to wear gloves or a hat so he is always freezing. If anyone is ever doing anything fun with their kids PLEASE let me know, this kid needs to get out of the house. Here are a few fun pics of Kavin, one he is driving his uncle Cole's truck and the other he is loving the rocking horse at his Grandpa Schiffman's. I just got a new camera and need to upload some more recent photos then I will post those pics too.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's Official

Well everyone it is official, I am pregnant!! Went to the Dr on Friday and I am about 9 weeks along due June 3rd! We saw the heartbeat and everything. I have had a few dreams it was twins, but thank goodness there is only one in there, I would have to hire a nanny if it were twins I wasn't made to have 3 kids under 3. I swear I don't know if it is cause it is the 2nd or what, but as soon as I peed on that stick I gained 5 pounds and barely fit in my pants. I do get huge when I am pregnant, but I am a little worried if I am already starting out this way. Kavin will be 23 months when the new arrival comes. We are way excited and can't wait to have another.

I'm an Alice

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

I took the online quiz and it turns out I'm an Alice, ha ha, if anyone loves the Twilight books this is a pretty fun quiz to take, plus have you seen all the previews for the movie, I am getting so exctied I can't wait to see it!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nothing too exciting

I have been a bad blogger lately, cause nothing super exciting has been going on.....I fell and hurt my ankle (walking in my front yard, I am so graceful ha ha) and Tad had to take me to the instacare because we were sure it was broken, turns out just super sprained and tore a ton of ligaments. I spent a couple weeks bossing my poor husband around at home and my friends at work to warm up my lunch and refill my ice packs for me while sitting at my desk. I found out I have to go to Ohio Nov 10-13th for a work trip so that should be interesting as work trips always are (yeah right). I did find out that I get to keep my current work schedule which i am stoked about, I only work Tues, 1/2 Wed, and Friday and then Mon and Thurs from home, so it is awesome since i get to spend time with Kavin and still keep working which I love doing both so I guess I get to have my cake and eat it too! Kavin just keeps getting bigger and smarter, he loves outside and his shoes. He is learning so many new words like Hot, Side (for outside), & shoes. He loves his Dad, I swear i come 5th on Kavins favorite list, starting with his dad, my mom, Tad's Dad, my brother, then me, I am offended i only take care of him everyday and don't forget birthed him, ha ha! I have been canning like crazy some jam and salsa, and Tad has been elk hunting the past two weekends and is starting the deer hunt this weekend & that is about it! Seriously nothing exciting. I made some Halloween cards to send out to family that won't get to see Kavin on Halloween, so I took some pics in his costume. He is a little skunk, which fits him perfect, a little stinker!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The State Fair

Last weekend we took Kavin to the state fair. We had so much fun watching him with the animals. He can now moo, baa, and growl, so it was funny as we were walking through the cow barn and he is mooing the whole way. We also took him through that little hands on the farm display. He was a little too young still so he just kept trying to eat the feed and the plastic fruit and veggies.